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Reading Tips

Ultimate Guide to Reading with Dyslexia

Turn reading challenges into opportunities to excel in school, work, and life. Discover our best techniques and tools to master the art of reading well with dyslexia.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell. People with dyslexia often have difficulty matching letters to sounds and may read and write at a slower pace.

It's estimated that roughly 15% of people are diagnosed with dyslexia. Notable people diagnosed with dyslexia include scientist Albert Einstein, author Agatha Christie, and business magnate Steve Jobs. So despite its challenges, many individuals with dyslexia have achieved remarkable success in various fields.

Recognizing the immense value of reading in personal and professional growth, we crafted this guide to help individuals with dyslexia navigate and harness their reading potential.

How To Read with Dyslexia

Here's everything you need to know about reading with dyslexia to turn reading challenges into opportunities.

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